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B safe

Our B safe support packages come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Your B safe package is designed in consultation with you. We work with you to firstly examine and diagnose the current state of safety management in your workplace.  This process highlights what you already have in place to manage health and safety and helps to reveal gaps you need to address.

The B safe support package allows us to work with you to build your confidence, knowledge and understanding of what is needed to provide and maintain a working environment where risks to health and safety are as far as reasonably practicable, eliminated or minimised.

The first step in the package usually takes at least a full day of activity at your site. It involves us in a walk-through of the workplace, spending time talking with health and safety representatives, as well as some of your employees, including managers and supervisors. Also, examining some of your safety policies and procedures. We will then report the outcomes to you, directly, honestly and without judgement. We will present recommendations for action and discuss with you how we can assist further. You will decide what, how and when to implement any, all or none of our recommendations.

B Safe - Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions

Our B safe packages are built to be flexible to your needs and can include:

To discuss a B Safe package to support your safety journey call Big B on mobile 0400 939 800,  the office on 03 5303 0678 or email enquiry to 

B Connected.

The Big B Safety Network is a great way to stay connected to ongoing professional learning, updates, webinars and Big B safety events. Our webinar series is presented quarterly and is complimentary to network members.

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B Safe, B Trained, Be Coached...


What People Say

Health and Safety Courses

It was great, when I get back to work I’ll put into practice what I’ve learnt about safety in general, especially the safety of powered machines.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat



Brian helped me to expand my thinking and to look at my life as a whole.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

The delivery of information was flexible and fluent, Brian has great knowledge I have learnt a lot.

Avatar Placeholder



When we started, I wanted to figure out nothing less than my purpose in life. What I got was unexpected, at times difficult and absolutely delightful.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

I learnt a lot about duty holders and the powers of health and safety reps, it was great fun.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

Our trainer made the topic enjoyable, engaging and relaxing. I liked learning about the ACE model of communication.

Brian has excellent knowledge and worked to identify participants personalities and strengths.

Avatar Placeholder
