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Key Work Health and Safety Statistics Australia 2024 Report

Key Work Health and Safety Statistics Australia 2024 Report

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The latest report on Key Work Health and Safety Statistics released by Safe Work Australia in September 2024 shows that although substantial improvement in fatalities and traumatic injuries has been achieved over time, the numbers show there is still a long way to go. Fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses are preventable and when they occur the impact felt by workers, families, communities is significant.

The report cites the majority of work-related fatalities, traumatic injuries and serious workers compensation claims happen in agriculture, forestry and fishing, public administration and safety, transport, postal and warehousing, manufacturing, health care and social assistance and construction. It might surprise that vehicle incidents accounted for 84 out of the 200 recorded workplace fatalities in 2023, that’s 42%.

The report should, if nothing else prompt us all to reflect upon why Australian workers continue to experience such high rates of injury and illness at work and what more needs to be done in every industry in every jurisdiction to minimise the impact.

To read the full report click here

Key Work Health and Safety Statistics Australia 2024 - dataswa (

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