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Six reasons why nuclear power will never be right for Australia

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Do the communities in the 7 regions in Australia nominated by the Coalition for the building of nuclear power stations consider them safe? The radiation emitted from major nuclear incidents such as Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011 continues to present significant environmental, community and health impact. Although we are yet to experience such direct impact, Australia's role in the global nuclear fuel cycle has meant we have experienced our own history of leaks, spills and incidents at all of our operating uranium during their life cycles. Nuclear power stations are fuelled by uranium. Dug up like coal, it is not a renewable resource. Nuclear power stations generate radioactive waste which must be stored for thousands of years, not to mention that to date no effective means of disposal or recycling of such waste has been found. The ongoing development and expansion of renewables offers a cheaper, safer and faster pathway to our future energy needs. Nuclear power is not the right option for Australia's energy future.

Power Games: Assessing coal to nuclear proposals in Australia a 30-page report from the Australian Conservation Foundation and a 10-page easy to read summary Why nuclear power will ever be right for Australia can be found here

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